Print Preview

Print Preview is used to preview reports before printing them. It is possible to change the appearance of a report by using the functions below.

Search is used to search in the report.


Customize is used to customize the report appearance such as adding or removing elements.


Open is used to open a report previously saved in *.prnx format.


Save is used to save the report in *.prnx format.


Print jumps to printer selection and printing.


Quick Print prints the report to the default printer without selecting printer first.


Page Setup is used to set the paper format, orientation and margin.


Header And Footer is used to overrule the report header and footer.


Scale is used to scale the text in the report.


Hand Tool is used to move the focus point in the current report.


Magnifier is used to visually zoom in the report.


Zoom Out is used to zoom out.


Zoom is used to zoom to a specific visual size.


Zoom In is used to zoom in to the report.


First Page jumps to the first page of the report.


Previous Page jumps to the previous page of the report.


Next Page jumps to the next page of the report.


Last Page jumps to the last page of the report.


Multiple Pages shows multiple pages at a time.


Color Background is used to change the background color of the report.


Watermark is used to add watermark graphics to the report.


Export Document is used to export the report to various file formats. 


Send via E-Mail is used to send the report as an attachment in an email.


Exit Close Preview closes the preview function.

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