
Suppliers is used to register the suppliers to the company.


Supplier No*: Mandatory unique supplier no that is shown in other modules.

Name: The mandatory name of the supplier.

Address* / Zip* / City*: Mandatory address information on the supplier.

Country: Optional country.

Phone: Optional phone no of the supplier.

Fax: Optional fax no of the supplier.

EMail: Optional main email address of the supplier.

Default Currency*: Is a drop down list from the module Currencies and is used as default currency on inquiries and purchases. The field is mandatory.

Vat No: Optional tax registration number.

Web Page: Optional main web site of the supplier.

Comment: Optional supplier comments.


Properties tab: Supplier properties, which are defined in the Supplier sub-module in the Property Templates group on the main tab Settings.

Contacts tab: Optional list of supplier contacts.

Related Files tab: On this tab it is possible to register files that are related to the Supplier, agreements files etc. The files are saved into the system and are placed in the folder specified in the popup Client/Server Setup and with the Shared file path viewing below. Use append (+) bottom to add files. Up and Down are used to alter the order of files.

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Concept North * Hulvejen 11 * DK-9220 Aalborg * Denmark * +45 23 30 52 93 *